Raw infrared images before processing
These infrared raw files may be used to test the processing of color infrared images with various raw editors. If you have not yet shot any infrared images, but want to dabble with processing images, you can use these. Infrared images shot with 550, 590, and 720 nm high-pass filters are included.

Sample infrared images after processing
In addition to the raw files, included JPEG images demonstrate results after a typical white balance and one of various color swap methods: invert, channel mixer red/blue color swap (RB), and channel mixer red/blue color swap with green channel split 50% to blue and 50% to red (RB-G-Split).

Download Infrared Sample Raw Images
Free tools for processing infrared images
Infrared Profile Pack - These free profiles are helpful for setting a good white balance with Lightroom, Photoshop, and other editors.
Photoshop Actions for Color Infrared - Actions for quick color swapping in Photoshop.
LUTs for Color Infrared Video and Photography - Color swap LUTS for infrared video editing and some non-Adobe raw editors.
darktable Infrared Presets - Color swap presets for the open source darktable raw editor.