Updated Photoshop Actions for Color Infrared v3
I’ve updated my Photoshop Infrared Actions with more color swapping methods for color infrared images. These are designed for infrared images shot with a 470 to 720 nm filter. This version includes multiple channel mixer variations for more color options. I’ve included a set of extra actions if you wish to explore beyond the main set.

Infrared Actions v3
Here are the Infrared Actions. Actual colors produced will vary depending on your camera sensor, infrared filter, and lighting conditions. The actions are free to download.
- IR RB Swap - Red Blue Swap. A straight swap between Red and Blue output channels with the Channel Mixer adjustment layer. The Red output channel is set to 0% Red and 100% Blue. The Blue output channel is set to 0% Blue and 100% Red. No change to the Green output channel.
- IR RB Swap, G to R - Green to Red. The Red and Blue output channels are swapped, same as IR RB Swap. Additionally, the Green channel is set Red; 0% Green and 100% Red.
- IR RB Swap, G Split - Green split to Red and Blue. The Red and Blue output channels are swapped, same as IR RB Swap. Additionally, the Green output channel is split between Red and Blue; 50% Red, 0% Green, and 50% Blue.
- IR RB Swap, G to B - Green to Blue. The Red and Blue channels are swapped, same as IR RB Swap. Additionally, the Green output channel is set Blue; 0% Green and 100% Blue.
- IR Invert - This uses an Invert adjustment layer with the blend mode set to Color.
- IR Hue 180 - Uses a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to shift the hue of all colors by 180 degrees.
- Orton Effect - This action combines your existing layers into a layer named “Combined Layer”. That layer is duplicated and blurred resulting in a new layer named “Orton Effect”. The “Orton Effect” layer is set to an opacity of 25%. Change the opacity to increase or reduce the effect.
Infrared Extras v3
The Infrared Extras set also includes the following actions.
- Color Balance Contrast 10 (Blue/Yellow) - Adds contrast via a Color Balance adjustment layer increasing blue in the shadows and yellow in the highlights.
- Color Balance Contrast 20 (Blue/Yellow) doubles the effect.
- These actions all use a variation of invert, but produce results similar to “IR Invert” adjustment layer.
- IR Invert via Curves
- IR Invert via Layer
- IR Invert via Levels
- IR Channel Mixer R>G>B>R - Set Red output channel to Green, set Green output channel to Blue, set Blue output channel to Red. Results in purple skies and green foliage.
- IR Channel Mixer R>B>G>R - Set Red output channel to Blue, set Blue output channel to Green, set Green output channel to Red. Results in green/teal skies and pink foliage.
- IR Channel Mixer (RB, G R/G/B) - A variety of channel mixer adjustment layers with Red/Blue swap and different assignments for the Green output channel. Actions with a negative value for Green in the Green output channel (the middle value) can result in added color noise to the image.
Free Download
The Color Infrared Actions are also available for download from the Adobe Exchange.
Warning: These actions are designed for Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop Elements doesn’t support actions that use the Channel Mixer, but other actions will work.
Installation Instructions
- After downloading the zip file, extract the contents to a new folder.
- In Adobe Photoshop, if the Actions panel is not open, select the Window menu and select Actions.
- Click the 3-line menu icon in the upper right corner of the Action panel.
- Select Load Actions.
- Navigate to the location of the extracted zip file.
- Select one of the .atn files and select Load.
- Repeat this process to load the second .atn file.
- To use an action, select the Action, and select the Play selection button at the bottom of the Action panel.
If you have comments, questions or feedback, use the comment section for this video.