
ON1 Photo RAW Infrared Presets Update

Updates to the ON1 Photo RAW Infrared Presets, dozens of new presets, three new color swap methods, and more AI local contrast presets.

Live Stream Q&A

Recording of Live Stream where I take viewer questions and edit viewer images live.

Infrared Photography Live Stream Q&A

Infrared Photography Live Stream Q&A, answered questions from viewers and previous videos, and did some troubleshooting on viewer images.

Photoshop Actions for Infrared v2

Color Infrared Photoshop Actions v2, designed to speed the process of color swapping in Photoshop. Best on color infrared filters from 470 nm to 720 nm.

Five Pitfalls to Infrared Photography

How to deal with the top pitfalls when shooting and editing infrared photography; hot spots, focus, diffraction, white balance, and post processing.